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Retirement Planning

Preparing for your next chapter

The success of any journey depends on preparation: a plan that's focused and mapped out in advance with provisions and navigational tools to keep you on pace.

If you were to retire tomorrow, what would you want to do? How and where would you like to live? How much income would you need to maintain your standard of living?

The amount of retirement income you need, of course, is a personal thing. There is no "magic" amount that is right for everyone.

We all try to plan for the future and look forward to a time when we can retire with a comfortable retirement income. You may wish to consult with a financial planner regarding your progress in meeting your retirement income goals.

403(b) and 457(b) retirement savings plans

Retirement Savings Plans

Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan (MNDCP) 457(b)
- MNDCP 457(b) website
- MNDCP Contact - 651-296-2761 or 1-800-657-5757
- 457(b) participant enrollment form
- 457(b) contribution change instructions
- 457(b) beneficiary designation form
- 457(b) overview
- 457(b) plan brochure

Other retirement resources/contacts

Advanced Capital Group (ACG)
- ACG website
- ACG contact - 866-225-5224

Teachers Retirement Association (TRA)
- TRA website
- TRA contact – 651-296-2409 or 800-657-3669

- TRA pension basics

Public Employee Retirement Association (PERA)
- PERA website
- PERA contact – 651-296-7460 or 800-652-9026

PERA pension resources

MidAmerica Severance Special Pay & HRA/Post-Employment Health Care Accounts
- MidAmerica website
- MidAmerica contact - 800-430-7999

Retiree/Cobra Benefits Administrator
- Benefits Extras website
- Benefit Extras contact - 952-435-6858

ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools